The Ministry of Health will stop issuing COVID certificates on April 30, 2025. You can find your COVID vaccination details in your digital vaccination record at

What test is done, when, and where When are there results, what is a serological test

Test Results

When and how are test results received?

In PCR tests, the sample is sent to the laboratory, and the result is received within 48 hours from the time of sampling (delays are to be expected due to the workload in the laboratories). Results are received through the HMOs and they can be viewed on the HMO's website or application or received through the HMOs' telephone hotline.

Authorized antigen tests do not require laboratory procedures and therefore allow for results to be received within 15 to 30 minutes, at the testing site. The result will usually be sent by text message to your mobile phone as well.

Updating the results in the Ministry of Health's systems

The Ministry of Health receives an automatic update on the results of the supervised tests:

Home antigen testing is not recorded in the Ministry of Health’s computer systems.

PCR test results

Result Significance Recommendations for action
Positive Significant amount of coronavirus genetic material was found in the sample.

It is recommended to follow the recommendations for confirmed COVID cases.

Negative No coronavirus genetic material was found in the sample. However, it may be possible that in early infection stages the amount of the genetic material of the virus may be too small to allow for detection.

There are no special recommendations.


Small amount of coronavirus genetic material was found in the sample, likely due to one of the following reasons:
1. The test was administered at a very early stage of the development of the disease and it is expected that a repeat test will produce a positive result.
2. The test was administered at the recovery stage.
3. Poor quality of the test kit or the sample.

It is recommended to take a repeat test within 24 to 72 hours after the first test .If the result of the second test is positive – it is recommended to follow the recommendations for confirmed COVID cases.

* Received result is only true for the time of testing. It is impossible to infer from it whether you've been previously infected with coronavirus.

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