The Ministry of Health will stop issuing COVID certificates on April 30, 2025. You can find your COVID vaccination details in your digital vaccination record at

A COVID certificate is used to prove vaccination or recovery while abroad, and it is also valid in the EU and other countries

How to Generate a COVID Certificate

  • Through the COVID information website
  • Through your HMO
  • At self-service stations in various locations across the country (see map)
  • Through a representative at the Ministry of Health hotline – call *5400
  • For holders of a kosher phone, fax, or unidentified number, call the voice answering service at 02-5082000

The service is provided in two stages:

  • Identification with I.D. number or passport number (the identification document you used when you were vaccinated or tested) and date of birth.
  • You will receive a return call (to the number listed in your HMO).
    If you are eligible for a certificate, in the return call you must provide a fax number and the certificate will be faxed to that number within a few hours.
    If you are not eligible for a certificate, the return call will inform you of it and the call will end.
    Note: Voice answering service is available only for identified numbers.

How to generate a COVID certificate

COVID Certificate

תעודות קורונה

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