The Ministry of Health will stop issuing COVID certificates on April 30, 2025. You can find your COVID vaccination details in your digital vaccination record at

Updated info for entering and leaving Israel according to morbidity in Israel and international

Leaving Israel

Checking the Policy Before leaving Israel

Before leaving Israel it is important to check the destination's foreign national entry policies and requirements, as well as those of your airline or cruise company:

  • COVID-19 tests requirements before arrival
  • Required forms
  • Restrictions on vaccination or recovery validity
  • Isolation requirements
  • Proof of vaccination or recovery (COVID-19 certificate)

Countries that can verify Israeli COVID-19 certificates


COVID Testing Before Leaving Israel

If according to your destination's entry policies, as well as those of your airline or cruise company, it is required to take a COVID test before leaving Israel, you can make an appointment in one of the hospitals providing private COVID-19 testing, or in any other approved testing facility that provides tests for the purpose of leaving Israel.

Make sure that the result document is in English, and that it contains your passport number and your full name in English, as written in the passport.

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