The Ministry of Health no longer issues COVID certificates. Access your vaccination information at

What test is done, when, and where When are there results, what is a serological test

Test Types

What is tested in COVID-19 tests?

COVID-19 tests search for coronavirus (or the genetic material thereof, to be exact) in the oral and nasal cavity. This way it is possible to tell whether someone has been infected with coronavirus, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic.

Those who tested positive on a COVID-19 test are considered to be a confirmed COVID case.

Types of COVID-19 tests

PCR test

Is a test for the diagnosis of COVID-19 confirmed cases, and is considered to be very precise. Results are received within 24-48 hours after sampling (this may vary between different laboratories).
A positive result in a PCR test allows to generate a COVID certificate

Antigen test

Is slightly less sensitive than the PCR test, but allows for rapid detection and receiving results immediately, as it is not sent to a lab.

There are 3 types of antigen tests:

  • Authorized test (also called supervised) – a fast test administered by professional samplers in one of the authorized testing sites. Result is usually received within 15 to 
    30 minutes after sampling. A fee is charged for the service.

A positive result in an authorized test allows to generate a COVID certificate


  •  Remote authorized antigen home test
    You can take an antigen test remotely under professional supervision. A fee is charged for the service provided by private companies approved by the Ministry of Health.

    How does it work?
    During the remote test, you will make a video call with the sampler using a mobile phone, an iPad, or a computer. The official test results will be sent to you and the Ministry of Health at the end of the process.
    The home test can be performed with remote supervision if you register with one of the service

providers listed on the list, which is updated periodically:

Magen David Adom >

WeCare >

Yossi Ambulance >

After completing the registration on the website, the service operator will provide a detailed explanation of what needs to be done in advance for the test, and then guide you through the entire process until the results are available.

* Registration is managed in accordance with the 2021 People’s Health Regulations (sampling and performing COVID-19 tests), as well as additional 2022 regulations.

Results of the PCR test and the authorized antigen test are recorded in the Ministry of Health’s computer systems, so they can be used to confirm the COVID-19 verification, and subsequently obtain a recovery certificate.

Since home antigen testing is not recorded in the Ministry of Health’s computer systems, it cannot be used to verify a person as recovering.

  • Home antigen test

A rapid test that can be privately purchased and self-administered at home.
A positive result in an authorized test does not allow to generate a COVID certificate.

Serologic test

Serologic test is a blood test for the detection of antibodies to coronavirus (as opposed to COVID-19 tests, which are designed to detect the virus itself using swabs).

Anti-S type serologic test

If you have not been vaccinated, positive result on this serologic test indicates that there are antibodies in your body which may be indicative of recovery. This test is not intended for the confirmation of COVID-19 patients real time.

Anti-N type serologic test

Can also confirm recovery from COVID-19 among vaccinated individuals.

Serologic tests are administered in the HNO clinics at the discretion of healthcare worker, in accordance with the Ministry of Health's policy on the matter.

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