The Ministry of Health no longer issues COVID certificates. Access your vaccination information at

There is no isolation obligation for confirmed COVID cases, but it is recommended to act responsibly


As of today, isolation is no longer required for those who are a confirmed COVID-19 case.

That is to say, even if you receive a positive result on an authorized COVID test, or a home antigen test, there is no obligation to isolate.
At the same time, keep in mind that this is a contagious disease which may mainly endanger those in at-risk groups. Therefore, it is important to act in a responsible manner, according to the recommendations for confirmed COVID cases.

Stay at home: it is recommended to stay at home within 5 days from the date of the positive test, or until the symptoms disappear (Fever of 38 degrees Celsius or higher, coughing, and difficulty breathing).

Wear a mask: when leaving the house at necessary cases (for example, to receive medical treatment), it is recommended to wear a mask during the entire stay outside the house.

Recommendations for confirmed COVID cases

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